DKKExc. Vat

Important changes for new registrations and purchases on the site

As of 09.12.2024 it is no longer possible to register as a new user on the Elfa Distrelec website or complete purchases without logging in. Please also note that from mid-February 2025 it will no longer be possible to shop on the Elfa Distrelec website.
You can still find Elfa Distrelec products on the RS Components website.
Find out more

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. I've forgotten my password

    Move the cursor over the "MyAccount" button (to the right of the search box). In the pop-up menu click on the link "forgot password". On the next page, enter the email address that you used to register on the Elfa Distrelec webshop, and click "Send".

    You will receive an email with a link ("Reset password") to reset your password. When you click on this link, you go straight to the page where you can set a new password for your account. As soon as you have entered the new password in both fields, and click on "Update password", the new password is saved.

  • 2. I have forgotten which email address I used to register with Elfa Distrelec

    In this case please contact Elfa Distrelec Support.

  • 3. I have forgotten my user-name

    If you have registered on the Elfa Distrelec webshop as a new user, your user-name is the email address that you provided during registration.

    If you already had a user account before the launch of the new Elfa Distrelec webshop, which was then migrated across, your user-name may not be the same as your email address. In this case, please contact Elfa Distrelec Support.

  • 4. I would like to change the address saved in my customer account

    If you already have an online customer account at the Elfa Distrelec webshop: log in to your customer account at the Elfa Distrelec webshop. Click on the "MyAccount" button to the right of the search box. Now in the navigation bar at the left side go to the "Addresses" link in the "Account details" section. As soon as you click on this, your current billing address and any delivery addresses saved will be shown on the right side. Click on the arrow to the right of the billing address to change it.

    If you do not have an online customer account with Elfa Distrelec: scroll down to the end of the Elfa Distrelec website. The footer area has four sections: Services, About us, Manufacturers' Shops, and Quick Links. In the "Quick Links" group, go to "Change of Address". Click on this, and on the next page type your customer number into the form, as well the old and new addresses, and finally click on "Send request". A Elfa Distrelec employee will now deal with the amending of your address.

  • 5. I would like to have my items sent to a different address than the billing address

    In the shopping basket, after you have checked the contents, click on "Continue". (If you have not yet logged on you will be asked to do so).

    On the following page, you have the chance to choose one of the options "Use billing address as shipping address", or "Ship my order to a different address". Select the latter option.

    Regardless of what data you have already saved in your profile, the following further options will now be shown under the billing address:

    • A "Delivery Address" Section. If this is already filled out, you can modify the address by clicking on the Change button to the right of the address.
    • By clicking on the button "Add new Address", you can specify a new delivery address to be used for this order. The address will also be saved in your user account for later use.
    • Below this, the delivery addresses that you have already saved in the user account are shown. Click on "Select address", to select the appropriate address as the delivery address for the current order.

  • 6. I regularly use various different delivery addresses. Can I save these in my profile?

    Log on to your customer account in the Elfa Distrelec webshop. Click on the "MyAccount" button to the right of the search box. Now in the navigation bar at the left side, in the area "Account details", go to the "Addresses" link. As soon as you click on it, your already saved delivery addresses will be shown at the right side, below your current billing address. By clicking on the "Add address" button, you can add another address to the list.

    If you want to remove an address from the list, click on the arrow to the right of the address to open the address details panel. You will find the "Delete address" button below the address fields.

  • 7. Can I save the contents of my shopping basket?

    Open the shopping basket. Underneath the list of all products in your shopping basket, you will find a button with a downward-pointing arrow. As soon as you click on this button, you have the option of exporting the contents of your shopping basket as an XLS or CSV file.

    • XLS: Microsoft Excel file: you can open and edit this file directly in Excel.
    • CSV: A plain text file that contains the contents of your shopping basket in the form of Comma-Separated Values. Such CSV files can be interpreted and processed by many different programs.
    • (Files downloaded in the XLS and the CSV formats are both compatible with the parts-lists import tool.)

  • 8. I already have a customer number. How can I link my new account in the Elfa Distrelec webshop to this customer number?

    If you already have a Elfa Distrelec customer number, you can tell us this number when registering for a customer account. We will then link your new customer account to the old account. Proceed as follows:

    Precondition: you are not currently logged into the Elfa Distrelec webshop. Now move the cursor over the "MyAccount" button (to the right of the search box). In the pop-up menu, click on the link "I am a new customer", and on the page that opens, select the option "Register as business customer". You will be shown a registration form that also contains the field "Customer ID". Fill in the whole form and then click on "Complete registration". A Elfa Distrelec employee will now arrange to have your old account linked to your new Elfa Distrelec user account.

  • 9. I keep getting emails from Elfa Distrelec

    In your customer account settings, you can unsubscribe from the Elfa Distrelec newsletter if you no longer wish to receive it. To do this, click on the "MyAccount" button to the right of the search box. Now on the navigation bar at the left side, go to the link "Login data" in the "Account details" section. As soon as you select this, you will be shown your account details at the right, including the section "Newsletter". Here you can manage your newsletter subscription as required.

  • 10. Importing parts lists

    Using the function "Import parts lists", you can quickly and easily import lists of product data in the Elfa Distrelec webshop, and place the respective products from the shop into shopping lists or into the shopping basket.

    You have to be logged in to use the "Import parts lists" function. If you have not already done so, please register with a user account in the Elfa Distrelec webshop and log into it.

    This is how to import the parts list

    1. Click on the "List import" link at the top of your browser screen. You can also access this function in the list menu in the meta-navigation area under the name "Import tool".
    2. On the page that opens, you will see two ways to import your data: by copying and pasting data from the clipboard, or by uploading an Excel worksheet that has been suitably completed.
      • a) Inserting data from the clipboard: Insert the data into the text field on the left side of the web-page in the following format: aa, nnnnnn, ttttt

        Please start a new line for each item.

        1. aa: desired quantity for this article
        2. nnnnnn: 6- to 8-figure Elfa Distrelec article number
        3. tttt: Designation of item type (optional)
        4. Finally, click on the button "Continue" on the left side of the browser window.
      • b) Uploading an Excel file
        1. To ensure a smooth operation, please download the "Elfa Distrelec Excel template"
        2. Fill in the data-sheet with your parts-list data, and save the modified file (important: as an .xls file)
        3. Click on the button "Select from drive", and in the window that opens, select the file you have filled in.
        4. Above the button "Select from drive", the name of the file you have uploaded should now appear
        5. Finally, click on the button "Continue" on the left side of the browser window.
    3. On the following page "Import Review", products are shown matching the data records you have entered. Here you can still adjust the quantity per product, if required, or delete products from the list.
    4. Any data sets for which no matching product is found are listed separately in a table at the end of the page. These data records were ignored for that reason during the import process.
    5. Using the buttons "Add to shopping list" or "Add to shopping basket", you can edit the product list that you have set up in this way.

  • 11. Lists

    At the Elfa Distrelec webshop, you can set up various product lists which you can use to arrange and manage your purchases.

    In addition to the option of setting up any desired number of product lists, you can quickly and easily mark products as "favourites" and thus add them to your "My favourite products" list.

    Favourite products

    • To quickly add a product from a product list, or from an offer teaser to your favourites, move your cursor onto the product and click on the heart symbol that appears. When you move the mouse away from the product again the heart symbol now stays visible. This shows you that the product has been successfully added to the list of favourites.
    • On the details-view page for that particular product, the heart button is shown at the right side below the availability indicator.
    • To view the current contents of your favourites list, move the cursor onto the "Lists" button (the second button to the right of the search box), and click on "My favourite products" in the menu that opens.
    • On the page that opens, you will see all the products listed that you have added to your favourites. To remove a product from the list, move your cursor onto the product and click on the x-symbol that appears at the right border.

    Lists of products or shopping lists

    • To add a product from a product list or from an offer teaser to a shopping list, move your cursor onto the particular product and click on the lists icon that appears.
    • A window then opens where you can specify which shopping list you want to save this product to. Choose one or more of the existing lists, or enter the name for a new list, where the product is to be saved.
    • On the details-view page for the particular product, the appropriate list button is shown at the right side below the availability indicator.
    • To view the contents of a shopping list, move the cursor onto the "Lists" button (the second button to the right of the search box), and click on the name of the desired list in the menu that opens. (If the name of the list is not shown, click on the link "Show all lists" at the end of the menu.)
    • On the right side of the window, you will now see all products in your shopping list, with the corresponding quantities. To remove a product from the shopping list, move your cursor onto the product and click on the x-symbol that appears next to the quantity.
    • You now have the option of adding the contents of your shopping list to the current contents of your shopping basket, using the button "Add list to cart".
    • Alternatively, you can download the list as a file via the button with the downward-pointing arrow. As soon as you click on this symbol you can choose between downloading as an XLS or a CSV file.
      1. XLS: Microsoft Excel file: You can open and edit this file directly in Excel.
      2. CSV: A plain text file that contains the contents of your shopping basked in the form of Comma-Separated Values. Such CSV files can be interpreted and processed by many different programs.

    (Files downloaded in the XLS and the CSV format are both compatible with the parts-lists import tool.)

  • 12. Managing orders and returns

    Via the "My Account" area of the Elfa Distrelec webshop you can easily and conveniently view the status of past orders and arrange any requests to return an item.

    1. Log into the shop with your user data.
    2. Click on the "MyAccount" button to the right of the search box.
    3. In the navigation bar at the left side, first select "Order Manager", and then "Order history" below.
    4. Now you will see a list of all the earlier orders. (If you are administrator of the company account in the Elfa Distrelec webshop, you will see the orders of all the employees of your company here.) You can filter, sort and print out this list according to your criteria.
    5. Using the arrow next to each order, you come to the details page for that order.
    6. The details page gives you information about the order date, order status, billing address and delivery address, type of payment and delivery, and products ordered. You can also redo these again right here, or add a shopping list.
    7. As soon as your order shows the status "received", you can prepare the request to return certain items. To do this, click on "Return this product" below the ordered quantity.
    8. In the "lightbox" that opens, enter the number of products you want to send back, together with a reason for returning them, packaging condition, your comments, and where applicable the serial numbers of the returned products. Additionally, you also have the chance to specify whether to have the returned product replaced by a new one. Finally click on "Send request".
    9. You will receive an email confirming your request to authorise a return.
    10. An employee of Elfa Distrelec will contact you.
  • 13. Faceted search

    The Elfa Distrelec webshop offers a great number of different products. To find the right product easily and conveniently, the shop has a filter function which you can use to refine the list of products and results.

    1. Navigate to the suitable sub-category for the product you are looking for (e.g. "Optoelectronics").
    2. Alternatively, enter a search term in the search box and press Enter.
    3. On the next page all the relevant products will be shown in a list. You can sort this list according to various criteria.
    4. To limit the number of products, the filter bar at the left offers the following methods:

    Filtering by another subcategory:

    At the top of the bar, sub-categories within the current category are shown (if available). Choose a sub-category to further limit the selection of products.

    • Filtering by manufacturer or product feature: below the categories, you will find the sections for manufacturer or product features. Choose the properties you want here, by clicking on the box next to the manufacturer or the product feature. You can select more than one attribute per section, for example both "Manufacturer A" and "Manufacturer B".
    • Filtering by availability: in the availability section, you can set as a filter criterion the immediate availability of the item.
    • Filtering by price: drag the slider to the left or right until the suitable price range is shown below the scale.
    • For each of the constraints or filtering criteria described above, a label is shown in the "Filter" section which indicates an active filter criterion. Click on the "x" inside the label to remove this filter criterion again.
  • 14. How to Clear Cookies in Chrome, Safari and Edge

    Cookies can help websites recognize you whenever you visit them. Cookies can be good if you don’t want to remember all your passwords, but they can also be bad if you care about your online privacy. Either way, you might want to clear cookies on your browser to keep your system working properly. Here’s how to clear cookies for Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and the new Microsoft Edge.

    What are Cookies?

    Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer whenever you visit a website. They make surfing the web more useful and hassle-free. With cookies enabled, most websites will remember your passwords and settings. However, cookies are also used by advertisers to target you with personalized ads.

    Cookies are typically smaller than one megabyte each. But, if you visit a lot of websites, these small files can add up over time. They can take up too much RAM, which can slow down your browser. Cookies might also store outdated or wrong data, which makes it difficult to load an updated version of a site. Most importantly, third-party cookies share your browsing history to advertisers without you knowing. To improve your computer’s performance and protect your privacy, it’s a good idea to clear your cookies occasionally.

    How to Clear Cookies on Chrome

    To clear cookies on Chrome, click on the three-dot icon at the top right and go to More tools > Clear browsing data. Then select a time range from the drop-down menu, check the box for Cookies and other site data, and click Clear data.

    Note: You can skip steps one to four by clicking on Ctrl + Shift + Delete on your keyboard.

    1. Open Google Chrome.
    2. Click the three-dot icon in the top-right corner of the window.
    3. Hover your cursor over More tools.
    4. Then click Clear browsing data. This should open the Clear Browsing Data window in the Basic tab.
    5. Check the box for Cookies and other site data. You can also delete your browser history and cache from this menu.
    6. Click the Time Range box to choose how much data you want to clear. You can clear cookies on Chrome from the last hour, the last 24 hours, the last seven days, the last four weeks, or for all time.
    7. Finally, click Clear data.

    Note: Clearing browsing data will sign you out of most sites. The option to clear cookies can also be found in the Advanced tab. Whether you clear cookies from the Basic or Advanced tab on Chrome, you will stay signed into your Google account.

    How to Clear Cookies on Safari

    To clear cookies on Safari, go to Safari > Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data. Choose the site or sites that you want to delete cookies from, then click Remove. You can also remove cookies from all sites in the list in one go by clicking on Remove All, followed by Remove Now on the dialog box that appears.

    Then click the Manage Website Data box.

    1. Open Safari.
    2. Click on Safari in the Apple Menu Bar. You will only find this option in the top-left corner of your screen if you click on the Safari browser first.
    3. Then select Preferences. You can also access this menu by hitting the Command + Coma keys on your keyboard at the same time.
    4. Go to the Privacy tab.
    5. Select the sites you want to delete cookies for. Below the website name, Safari will indicate whether the site stores data in the form of cookies, in your cache, or in other places. You can choose multiple sites at once by holding down the Command key as you make your selection.
    6. Finally, click Remove. From the same menu, you can also remove stored data from all websites in the list by clicking Remove All. Then click Remove Now in the prompt that appears.

    How to Clear Cookies on Microsoft Edge

    Then click on Choose what to clear. This option appears under Clear browsing data on the right side of the page.

    1. Open Microsoft Edge.
    2. Click the three-dot icon in the top-right corner.
    3. Then click Settings.
    4. Go to Privacy and services on the left side of the page. If you don’t see this on the left side of your page, you can expand the browser window or click the three lines next to Settings.
    5. Check the box next to Cookies and other site data.
    6. Then click Time range to choose how much data you want to clear. You can clear cookies from the last hour, last 24 hours, last seven days, last four weeks, or all time.
    7. Finally, click Clear now.

    You can also set Edge to clear cookies whenever you exit the browser by clicking Choose what to clear every time you close the browser. Then toggle the button for Cookies and other site data.

  • 15. How to Clear Cache and Hard Reload Browsers

    A cache is a collection of web pages, including the texts, images and most other media contained on them, that is stored on your hard drive or phone storage. Having a local copy of a webpage helps to quickly load the page on your next visit because your system or device doesn’t have to download the same information again from the internet.

    Cached data in the browser sounds great, so why do you ever have to clear it?

    You certainly don’t have to, not as a regular part of computer or smartphone maintenance, anyways. However, a few good reasons to clear the cache are:

    1. Clearing your cache forces your browser to retrieve the newest copy available from the website, which should happen automatically but sometimes does not.
    2. You might also want to clear your cache if you face issues like 404 or 502 errors, sometimes indicating that your browser’s cache is corrupted.
    3. Another reason to delete your browser’s cache data would be to free up space on your hard drive. Over time, the cache can grow up in space and so clearing it would add to more productive space.

    If you are making frequent changes to a web page, the caching mechanism can cause confusion. Some changed elements on the page may load, and some may not because your browser is still using the older, cached version of the site rather than the updated version.

    To troubleshoot this, you can try hard reloading the browser which allows to bypass the cache on your system and re-download everything for the web page, thereby ensuring that you are viewing the most recent version of the web page.

    In Windows, the shortcut for this is Control+F5. On a Mac, the shortcut is Command+Shift+R.

    Using Developer Tools

    One of the ways to clear cache and hard reload the browsers without going through the browser menu is to use the browser’s built-in developer tools. This process is usually quicker than the browser-recommended process.

    Using Chrome developer tools

    Assuming you have the Chrome browser window opened, press Control+Shift+I on Windows and Command+Option+I on MacOS. This opens the Chrome developer tools. When the developer tools console is open, right-click on the Reload button. A drop-down menu with three options is displayed:

    1. Normal reload
    2. Hard reload
    3. Empty cache and hard reload

    Normal reload – Uses cached data. Press F5 to initiate normal reload.

    Hard reload – Forces browser to re-download items and reload. It is possible that used resources may come from a cached version. Press Control+F5 or Control+Shift+R to initiate a hard reload.

    Empty cache and hard reload – Cache for the page is cleared completely, and everything will be re-downloaded.

    Using Firefox Developer Tools

    With Firefox browser open, press Shift+F2 to open the developer toolbar. This usually appears at the bottom of the browser window. Next type “appcache clear”, then Enter, to clear the cache.

    Using Safari Developer Tools

    To enable the clearing of cache and hard reloading in Safari for Mac, use the shortcut combination Shift+Command+R on the Safari Web Inspector. To force clear a single page’s cache, click on the Reload option on the browser while holding the shift key in the address or search bar. It focusses only on that specific page.

    Clearing the browser cache is quite simple to carry out in different browsers. Let’s have a look at some of them.

    Chrome: Clear Browsing Data

    In Google Chrome, clearing the browser cache is done via the Clear Browsing Data area from Settings.

    To clear cache on the Chrome browser, follow the steps mentioned below:

    1. Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the browser window.
    2. Choose More tools and click on Clear browsing data.
    3. Select Cached images and files, and Cookies and other site data. Click on Clear data.

    In case you are using a mobile browser,

    1. Tap on the three dots at the top right corner of the mobile browser.
    2. Move to Settings > Privacy > Clear browsing data.
    3. Select Cached images and files, and Cookies and other site data. Click on Clear data.

    Choose the time range at the top of the Clear browsing data section to initiate the process.

    The keyboard shortcut for clearing browser cache data for Chrome is Control+Shift+Delete on Windows and Command+Shift+Delete on macOS.

    Internet Explorer: Delete browsing history

    In Microsoft Internet Explorer, clearing cache is done via the Delete browsing history option.

    To clear browsing history on Internet Explorer:

    1. Open the browser and go to Tools at the top right corner.
    2. Tap on Safety followed by Delete browsing history.
    3. Select Temporary internet files and website files and click on Delete.

    To clear the cache from the mobile browser, follow the steps mentioned below:

    1. Choose Internet Explorer from the apps list.
    2. Tap on the ellipses (three horizontal dots) at the bottom right corner of the screen.
    3. Scroll down and tap on Settings.
    4. Choose the delete history option.
    5. Tap on the delete button to confirm.

    Like other browsers, the keyboard shortcut for clearing of cache in Internet Explorer is Control+Shift+Delete.

    Firefox: Clear Recent History

    In Mozilla’s Firefox browser, you clear the cache from the Clear recent history area in the browser’s options.

    Follow the below steps to clear the cache:

    1. Tap on the Hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) at the top right corner of the browser and choose Library.
    2. Choose History and then select Clear recent history.
    3. A pop-up emerges. You can choose the time range to clear the cache. You can also choose the type of data you want to clear from the Details drop-down.

    For the Firefox mobile browser, follow the steps mentioned below:

    1. Tap on the three dots at the top right corner of your mobile screen and then choose Settings.
    2. Choose Delete browsing data.
    3. Among the available options, choose Cache and click on Clear data.

    Firefox Focus is another mobile browser from Firefox that allows clearing the cache using the Erase button on the bottom-right of the app.

    Safari: Empty caches

    In Apple’s Safari browser, the cache is cleared from the Develop menu. From the menu, choose the option Empty Caches.

    If you don’t see Develop on your Safari menu, enable it via Safari > Preferences, then Advanced, followed by selecting the Show develop menu in the menu bar option.

    Clearing the browser cache from the mobile Safari, like the one on your iPhone or iPad, is accomplished in the Settings app.

    1. On your device, open the Settings app and find the Safari section.
    2. Scroll towards the bottom and tap Clear history and Website data. Click Confirm to proceed.

    The keyboard shortcut for clearing browser cache data on Safari is Option+Command+E.

    Opera: Clear Browsing Data

    Clearing the cache in Opera is done via the Clear browsing data option that is part of Settings.

    1. Open the browser and from the Settings, Privacy and Security section, select Clear browsing data.
    2. Check the option Cached images and files and click on Clear browsing data to confirm.

    To clear the cache from the mobile Opera browser, follow the steps mentioned below:

    1. Tap on the Opera icon in the bottom right corner.
    2. Navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Clear browsing data to choose what to delete: saved passwords, browsing history, cookies and data or all of them.

    The keyboard shortcut for clearing the cache data in Opera is Control+Shift+Delete on Windows and Command+Shift+Delete on Mac.

    Edge: Clear Browsing Data

    In Microsoft’s Edge browser, included in Windows 10, cache is cleared via the Clear browsing data menu.

    On the Edge browser,

    1. Tap on the three dots at the top right corner and choose Settings.
    2. Go to Clear browsing data and click on Choose what to clear option.
    3. Select the option Cached data and files and hit Clear.

    On the Edge mobile browser,

    1. Tap on the three dots at the bottom right corner and choose Settings > Privacy > Clear browsing data.
    2. Check the option Cached images and files and hit Clear.

    The keyboard shortcut for clearing the cache data in Edge is Control+Shift+Delete.